Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Zimri, a wolf in sheep's ... blossoms.

Friends, meet Zimri Drive, The Beast.  Don't let the pretty blossoms fool you.  It's a mile-long bully.  
If you click on this pic below, you'll see a tiny white mailbox on the right, which you THINK sits at the top ......
 But THIS is taken at that mailbox.  More hill to come.
 (This shot below is for Etta, who IMHO, now owes me a comment.)    ;-)
At this point, Zimri condescendingly drops down, then tosses in a nasty little hill at the end.  At the top it offers a weak apology with a bouquet of daffodils ...
 ... as you can barely see over my shoulder.  But I'm not feeling the love.
At LEAST it could have offered me a bench.  And a cold drink.  But no, like all bullies, it just saunters off with a smirk.


  1. I laugh because you're right... I can't believe you run on that awful stretch of road!

  2. is that the hill my sister and i got lost on during the half last year?

  3. So I am curious how you can run that and have the capacity to take pictures! It is a BIG hill!

  4. Oregon is SO pretty. I miss it!

  5. Sarah, close, but no. NOBODY purposely runs up the hill you did!

    Christy, it was good to have the excuse to stop and aim.

  6. I may be late to the party but finally got around to reading bag blog entries! Thanks for the picture..makes me miss it!
    Let me know when you run up Bell to Gibbs cemetery!
