Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My drug-free "high"

I've never ventured into the world of illegal drugs.  But as I understand it, people use them to get "high", which supposedly is some kind of euphoric feeling.  Then as the high fades, such people seek larger doses, or stronger drugs to repeat that feeling and then the drug becomes necessary to simply forestall a mental and/or physical hell.  This is called addiction, a common tool of Satan to strip away our freedoms.  (Wow, THAT was a depressing lead into a post!)

BUT I want to talk about another addiction.  Another type of high.  Another kind of euphoria.  It's called The Finish Line.   And happily, other than maybe some Advil, no drugs are needed.  All that's required is to cross it.

The Finish Line is WHY people run marathons.  It's why they pay perfectly good money, that could have gone towards a spectacular new pair of shoes, to wedge fear and dread into their lives for the next four to six months.  It's why they force themselves into a training regimen that WILL inevitably fall short somewhere around mile 20.   (It's also why they put up with black toenails right before sandal season ... )

For some, The Finish Line High, needs increasingly larger doses to maintain.  Doses like:  another marathon, or --- qualifying for the Boston, or --- completely bizarre things like ultra marathons and  Ironmans.  As much as I admire those people, thankfully, I appear to NOT be one of them so far.  I crossed my Finish Line and the high was euphoric, but I hope I never feel the need to repeat or up the dosage.  

My new and improved plan is to be Queen of Moderation.  To maintain good sense and balance.  To run approximately 20 miles per week (or however much I want), some workouts with weights -- my new age-fighting endeavor, and bicycling with friends and/or Husband Dear.

There will be more Finish Lines in my future, for there is one at the end of every 5K, 10K, relay, etc.   So my own personal addiction will be fed adequately.   And I hope always to remember that euphoric high whenever I think about a certain Finish Line near the beach in Newport, when my spirit changed forever.


  1. Dear Queen of Moderation,
    I was procrastinating reading this post, because I really didn't want to hear about this theoretical high that I've never experienced and probably never will. Except for twice, on the home stretch of my two short events, but I count that as more of a "thank goodness this is almost over" kind of a high.
    But this, my friend, was the most eminently sensible thing you have ever said!
