Friday, December 31, 2010

Hello 2011

Anyone of my generation remembers George Orwell’s book, “1984” and how it was casually dismissed as the distant future.  Anything beyond 1999 had us in space ships named Hal, with big black unexplained monoliths appearing randomly.  Spooky stuff.
Instead, as I sit here with my laptop on the final day of 2010, I see the neighbor’s kids kicking a ball around on their driveway as their dad unstrings their Christmas lights.  Not that much has changed since the 60s.  
So what does this have to do with running?  We dropped in at Costco yesterday and were greeted at the door by gleaming new treadmills.  The holiday decor is gone and it’s time to get serious about that resolution to shape up.  And the retail world is happy to assist.   At Weight Watchers we’re gearing up for the January onslaught of new members.  I too, have resolved to get those four Christmas-pounds off, just as soon as the chocolate is gone.  (Two more bars left!)  

Running is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories.  You will burn roughly twice as many calories running than doing a brisk walk covering the same distance.   As soon as you burn 3500 more calories than you eat, you will lose a pound.  However, running does not give you license to eat with abandon.  Unless you are like our “With-running-your-weight-just-falls-off” friend Mark ...

...  who has completed several Iron Mans, and unless you are running 30-40+ miles a week, you still need to be careful.  Hence, my four Christmas-pounds.
All in all, if 2011 is anything like 2009 and 2010, then bring it on!  More 10Ks, more running friends, another rip-roaring Hood to Coast, and ..... my first marathon.  


  1. We were at Costco yesterday too!! And next week will be a LOT of running and a LOT of veggies for me...

  2. I found the training schedule for the 1/2 marathon schedule by (oh, what's his name), with the running and walking--I'm looking forward to utilizing it. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Hope - Newport, June. There will be a post soon.
