Friday, January 1, 2016

The blog gets a new name

Soled Out started out five years ago as a running blog.  A running blog that literally "ran" its course ending in my retirement from the sport over a year ago.  So it's time the blog is renamed.

After much thought and a lively list of suggestions from Favorite Daughter who obsesses easily when given mental projects such as this ..... (It's an idiosyncrasy she inherited, I'm afraid, from me.  I have been known to spend days naming a pet.).... I've chosen "Type B".  Short and simple.  It's my initial, my personality, and my life.  Not sure about blood type and don't even think about bra sizes.  Not going there.

Oh, and btw ..... when trying to register a new blog name with Blogspot, I found that there are a LOT of perfectly good blog names already taken, but not used ..... forcing the rest of us to insert hyphens and other whatnot into our URLs.  A lot of people register their blog name and then never write a post and some blogs have sat completely empty for years!  Kind of rude when you think about it.  Therefore, as they say ..... Fish or cut bait.

The new web address will soon be.....

That's all.  

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