Monday, February 19, 2018

Stir Crazy!

We are closing in on three months of sitting.  Thankfully, my dire weather prediction of this post did not happen.  After a December cold snap (Winter-Phase 1), we had a late January/early February "tease" when the weather warmed up (close to 60 degrees a couple of days) and local Facebook friends warned to not start our gardens (Ha! As if) lest they will be cruelly zapped by the onslaught of Winter-Phase 2.  During that warm spell, we trotted around in our shirt sleeves thinking, "Spring! .... Where are the crocuses?"  We even bought our exterior house paint because (!) the house siding (!!) is done. (!!!)  But the temps immediately plummeted making the conditions too risky for a lot of very expensive paint.  So it's now sitting as well.  'Tis then we remember we are in the High Desert where crocuses don't grow and paint doesn't cure ....  in February.

We live with interim periods of lots to do (as with the wiring) followed by more waiting.  But we're close to the end .... or at least to the end of the sheet rock stage and to the point when things really will get interesting.

It's all still surreal.  It seems we will live forevermore in a parked motorhome in an endless winter with an unfinished house.  We pretend that someday we will actually move in .....  But it's a silly dream because, as we all know, stuff like that doesn't happen in real life. 

So .......

....... what are we doing in the meantime?

Husband grabs every opportunity to go fishing.  And he's now recruiting others.  (Beware!)  I suspect it's a plot to take over the world, turning everyone into zombies anglers, bwahahaha.  They call their recruiting stations, "fly shops", where they gather and scheme, using code words like midge, blue-wing-olive, nymph, and the like.

And I ...... um ..... go for walks, shop occasionally, hang out at the laundromat and grocery store, perfect my solitaire game, and try not to eat.  Our tile, carpet, paint colors, yada yada, for the house are decided and the cabinets are ordered.  That part is done.  I also putz around our "yard" gathering wood scraps and deciding where we'll put things like the wood shed or my patio swing.

Needing a diversion, a few days ago we hiked into one of our fabulous neighborhood canyons so that Husband could explore another fishing spot.  Check out this view which is only a few minutes from our door.


Oh, and I discovered that Redmond is a haven for antique shops.  Not that I'm a big collector.  But who doesn't love seeing (amongst the really old stuff) things that you routinely used when you were a kid (or got as a wedding gift and still use ..... feeling old yet?) that is now considered chic and worthy of an expensive price tag.

So that's kind of it.  Stir crazy and bored.  Always waiting for workers to show up and finish their latest project.  And as you can probably tell by my randomness, all this sitting/waiting is causing ..... my brain cells ..... to

die off ....
          one .....

by ....
       one ....

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