Friday, April 1, 2011

Twenty My-Oh-Miles!

Today FRP and I did 20 miles.  Not all running but still, it's the farthest I've gone without a bicycle, car, or other type of vehicle between me and the pavement.     
Our time, including three refueling, potty, and Suzie-hugging breaks, .....
was 4 hours and 22 minutes.  FRP stuck with me even though she was feeling strong.  I savored her company.  I was dealing with leg cramps and paying dearly for not following my chosen trainer's advice of regular walking breaks in the early miles.

We decided that we WILL keep running together after the marathon is done because we are making significant headway on solving the world's problems.   But mostly because she IS my FRP.

Afterward I enjoyed a friendly greeting from my bathroom scales which will soon be sabotaged because Favorite 2nd Son is taking BFF/Husband and me out for some well-deserved calories in the form of Thai food.

The best part of our run on this lovely first day of April:  Emerald City is almost within sight!