Saturday, April 16, 2011

Me Today VS Me Tomorrow

(This blog has taken on a life of its own.  I never know when Inspiration-For-a-New-Post will come and when it does, I just follow, picking up the wrappers, dishes, and socks left along the way.)
My oldest friends ..... that sounds bad .... they aren't old, I've just known them a long time.  Anyway, my longest friends ... that doesn't sound right either, but you get the point .... know me well enough to take many of my declarations with a HUGE grain of salt.  For example:

I don't want a dog because I KNOW that at this stage of my life, owning a dog would be a BAD IDEA.  But because my declarations have been known to melt into gooey, spineless blobs and because I easily get swept up whenever I see a cute little brown dachshund, my friends have all been recruited to NOT LET me get one.   (You've got to admit though, "wiener" dogs are ADORABLE!)

Also:  "I think I'm done with cruises."  That one always gets eyes rolling.

More gooey, blob-like declarations:

The day after my first Hood to Coast relay: "I don't think I'll do the HTC next year." (Less than a week later, I decided to be a team captain!)

The next year:  "I'm DEFINITELY NOT going to be the team captain again."  (I am the team captain again.)

After heading up our local church's first annual "Run Run Ye Saints", a 5K & 10K run/walk in 2010, I said I didn't want to be in charge next year but would gladly advise whomever does it.  (Not only am I in charge again, I ASKED for it!)

Now I'm training for this darn marathon.  "Please!" I plead to Future Self.  "Please let this be the only one!  Don't get carried away and sign up for another!  Remember the months of training!  Remember the pain!  Remember your age!"  But I (the Me of today) feel totally helpless pitted against the Me of tomorrow, or the Me of next week, or of next year.

So I guess I'm calling for help.  I'm rallying the troops again to help me to stand firm against the Future Me with this marathon issue just as with the dog issue.  Because alone, Today's Me, is completely out-matched.

(Post note:  After reading this, Husband said "No Way.  If you decide to do another one, I'm totally with you."       Oh c--p!)


  1. Nope. Not gonna do it. It's too much fun witnessing you metamorphosizing ( I don't think that's a word...ah, well) into a marathoner. I think you're a fabulous inspiration and should keep on doing it! Yeah Brenda!

  2. Amen! What she said (heeheehee).

  3. Was that a no-no word at the end there? excellent. And you'll be reposting this as you prep for your 50 mile race...
