What does that have to do with running? .... you ask. Well I am learning that it has a LOT to do with it.
First of all, I am a Mormon and I run. And apparently, a lot of other Mormons also run.
This weekend we participated in a fairly new-to-the-running-world relay called the Epic Relay. And heck, since it's practically in my backyard, meaning it literally goes right behind my house ...... we decided to sign up and give it a go. Our team, captained by Awesome Daughter and her Awesome Friend, consisted of twelve AWESOME women/mothers, which inspired the team name: Throw Momma From the Van.
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L to R. Sheri, Bethany, Monica, Ellen, Anna, Val, Melanie, Lindsay, Carrie, Solana, and me. (Missing Michelle, who headed for home before this photo was taken.) |
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. At one of the relay exchanges I chatted with one of the faithful and necessary volunteers and learned that she was the mother-in-law of the creator of the event. And I noticed the "aura" which is what I call the "look" of fellow members of my church. (No, we don't look different than the rest of the human race, except that there is just something familiar that we tend to sense about each other.) So I asked her and yes, she .... and her son-in-law, are also Mormons. As were, I discovered, the two other teams waiting at that same exchange.
The Epic Relay series offers a choice of roughly 200-mile long relays in Oregon, Colorado and Utah/Wyoming. It's three years old and still small in participants, until the word gets out. (Check it out. Much cheaper than most.)
Then there are the Ragnar relays. According to the website, there are 15 Ragnars across the U.S. and from what I've heard, they all pretty much sell out every year. This series of similar-type running events was started in 2004 by a couple of BYU alumni. Do you see where I'm going with this? Yes, they too, are Mormons.
Then there's the up-and-coming Saints to Sinners bicycle relay in which Husband will be riding next month. Similar format as the running relays, except it's done on bikes and stretches from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas. Hence the name. Since Mormons (which is a nickname) are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is easy to guess that the title of the event was my first clue. Again, started by Mormons.
Last but not least, there is the renowned annual Run Run Ye Saints. Ha! An idea conceived in brilliance by Awesome Daughter and moi. If I had written a post about our recent one, you would know that we had over 100 participants this year! NOT that we are even in the same universe of importance as the above named events, but I'm going to claim a little glory here. It IS my blog, you know.
It's commonly known that members of my church do not drink alcohol. I've been told by non-members that drinking enhances life. They say it makes it more fun.
I beg to differ.
We know how to have it and we know how to create it for others. We happily choose our mountains to climb rather than letting them choose us. We revel on the high peaks, relishing the hike up and the dizzying trip back down. Then we grab our friends by the hand and party with them up the next mountain.
Good times.
Good memories.
Good people.
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