Friday, March 23, 2012

10 ..... wait, NOT the movie!

I was up two or three times last night, to make sure my bathroom was where I had left it, thanks to all the water I've been forced to consume in our fitness challenge.  (Actually, the water-drinking-rule isn't so bad if you don't forget and leave it till the end of the day.)  And each time I was up, I had a quick visit with the scales.  Why?   Because this morning was The Final Weigh-In (!!) and I was anxious for it to be a good one.  By dang, I have worked hard and I deserved it!   Results?  After 10 weeks ....... DRUM ROLL ...........   10 POUNDS LOST!  Exactly - to the ounce!  Oh yeah!   And Husband had an even more impressive loss of 11.4 lbs.

Did we win the cash prize?  Probably not.  But we won, all the same.  Husband is bicycling stronger (his goal) and running easier (not his goal).  I still have my random good and bad runs, but the clothes are loose, so who cares if I had to walk part of my four miler this morning.  It IS all about looking good, isn't it?  

But with every successful weight loss, comes the post-diet-horror of gaining it back again.  Therefore, in one week, I'm starting another challenge with a few changes in the "rules".  (No water-drinking rule because I get to be the Boss this time!)  This one will last eight weeks, ending right before June ... AKA summer ... AKA the dreaded Swimsuit Season.  Although most of our group will pursue the popular goal of dropping pounds, this time I will be tackling an even bigger beast ...... called .... Maintenance.

Consider yourself invited.

P.S.  Thank you Ellen, for being the best challenge-leader ever!


  1. Woot woot! You look amazing! Congrats!

  2. Yay! I'm excited to do your challenge. Congrats on the weight loss!

  3. You look amazing!

    I've been blogging about running lately, I'm hooked! :)
