We are a couple of days past the half way point. Five weeks done, and five more to go. If you are considering joining one of these groups, or starting one of your own, I strongly suggest you drag your spouse along, because the competition in this household has been fierce and lively. And it's working. I have a perfect score so far and YOU BET I'm bragging about it. A certain man o' mine has missed a few points, but I'm cutting him some slack because he maintains a few more commitments than I do, namely a full-time job. But with complete pride and affection I'm glad to say, he is doing DARN WELL. Before we started, I must admit, I had doubts.
"Are you SURE you want to do this?" I probed. "Really, REALLY??"
"Yes." He stated. "I'm in."
"Okay," said Doubtful Me. "But I'm not your personal calorie counter. You'll have to keep track of it yourself."
So far I have lost six pounds, and Husband has lost about seven. He is exercising with a consistency that we haven't seen in a long time. And the results are showing. He easily ran a 5K yesterday. A couple of months ago, he barely could manage two miles. In our challenge group, completing a 5K at five weeks is part of the program, and there'll be a 10K at the end. I generally run a 10K about three times a week, and have been doing so for several years, so it's nothing new for me. But it's gratifying to all involved to see things progressing in the Spousal Fitness Department. As the weather warms up, he'll soon hit the streets on his bike and then, watch out.
At restaurants, Patient Waiter stands by as we huddle over Husband's Droid, studying the online nutrition menu.
"Let's see. The chicken citrus salad looks pretty low. Maybe I'll go with that. Do you think there's bread with it? How many calories in a slice of sour dough?"
"WOW! Check out the "Mother Lode" chocolate cake!! Two day's worth of calories in one slice!"
At one of our favorite Mexican eateries, Bajio on East 82nd, the owner/cook tried to be helpful.
"I could substitute the corn tortilla. And our pork is really low fat. We DO saute our shrimp in butter and honey, but only a teaspoon, or so." I splurged on the shrimp, butter and all. (It came with mango salsa, and I refuse all responsibility when shrimp is served with anything tropical. O.H. Y.U.M.)
We decreed early in The Diet that we'd allow ourselves one evening each week, when we could eat out and NOT count calories. But we've found it's too hard not knowing.
"Yikes! The pizza is 1094 calories ...... No, I DON'T have to worry about it tonight .... but still ....."
I've even adjusted to drinking all the water, thanks to Crystal Light and my water bottle with the built-in straw. For some reason, straws make it easier. Like with those monster Big Gulps from 7-11. The invention of straws has definitely been a boon for all soda vendors as they have gradually weaned the American public from "large" to gargantuan drink sizes.
So STAY TUNED for the 10 Week Finale. Don't touch that channel. Let your rear-ends go numb as you stay perched on your seat-edges. Because it'll be worth it. We're going for the Gold.
And when it's all done, we may even split a piece of that cake. After the 10K ..... and AFTER the final weigh-in.
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(Warning: Just LOOKING at this picture may add inches to your waistline.) |
Hi I enjoy reading your blog. Very nice. I am writing one too about my training for the Boston Marathon. I am a 48 yr old mother who is an avid marathoner and would love it if you checked out my blog. Let me know your thoughts. I mostly write about my training program and provide personal insight. My first Boston I wrote a book and last year I blogged. This will be my 2nd blog, 3rd Boston Marathon and 17th overall marathon. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.