Tuesday, January 24, 2012

10 Week Fitness Challenges .... NOT for dummies

In perusing my posts, (all 91 so far), I can't help but notice that this post has received the most hits.  I'd like to think this is due to my entertaining and witty style of writing ..... but it's more likely that the subject simply generates a lot of interest or maybe there are just a lot of fatties out there .... JUST KIDDING!  If you have been faithfully following my blog, you would know from this recent post that I'm in another 10 week "challenge".  Since this challenge is somewhat different than the first, I thought I'd devote a post to how it works, because I think I prefer this format over the previous one.  And maybe it'll get more hits!

So here we go:

An awesome and organized person steps up and decides to form a challenge group.  (We'll call our leader Ellen, since that happens to be her name --- but anyone can be an "Ellen".)  Ellen sends out the word, mostly through facebook, and anyone who is interested in losing weight or developing healthier habits, signs on.  Everyone sends Ellen $10, who dutifully tucks it safely away.

Then everyone is invited by Ellen to join a blog which she has set up for the challenge, and we all post a picture and an intro paragraph.  Kind of like a group meet 'n greet.  For sending the money, goal sheet, and posting an intro post, everyone earns points.  Plus we all record our starting weight .... but don't panic, we don't post it.

On the starting day, everyone begins to earn 1 point each day for each of the following:
1.  Drinking at least 48 oz. of water.
2.  Keeping a food journal.
3.  Sticking to chosen diet plan.  (We each are free to choose whatever plan we want.)
4.  Exercising.  One point for each half hour, 2 points maximum per day, six days a week.

Participants keep track of their own points, and each Friday, we weigh in and add an new post in the blog telling about our week and updating our point totals -- earning additional points with each weekly blog entry.  (The leader needs to keep a sharp eye out because it's easy to miscalculate points.  Sending out a weekly email telling the maximum points possible for that week, is helpful.)

Plus there may be random "pop challenges".   Each afternoon, Monday - Friday, Ellen flips a coin.  Heads - no pop challenge that day.  Tails - she picks ONE of the following, like drawing one out of a hat, so to speak, and sends it out in an group email.  (These are only suggestions.  The group leader is allowed to tweak this list however she wants.)

1.  No sweets.
2.  No fried foods.
3.  4 servings of vegetables.
4.  3 servings of fruit.
5.  No soda.
6.  Eating breakfast that day.
7.  Extra points for each additional half hour of exercise.
8.  Sleeping 7-9 hours the night before.

If we have done that particular pop challenge we get extra points.  (The nifty thing is that, with the exception of numbers 6 & 8, you have the rest of the day to make sure you do it  ..... or not .....  as in "No pop challenge today ..... now I don't have to finish my brocolli!")

At the end of five weeks, we earn 5 points for completing a 5K.  At the end of 10 weeks, we earn 10 points by completing a 10K (run, walk, or crawl).  Again, all tweakable by the leader.

We also earn one half point for every percentage point of weight lost at the end.  Then we all tally our points and the winner(s) get the money.

You can decide for your own group, the number of points earned for each item.

So there you have it.  And you thought weight loss couldn't be fun.

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