Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bragging rights

It was about three years ago this month that I began running in earnest.  Having made a few disinterested attempts, including in my childhood, (I was primarily a tree-climber) it had, thus far, failed to impress.  I was a confirmed walker, which I think I originally inherited from my dad.  Along with hardcore walking friends Barb and Sue, we had it down.  
 I'm just now realizing how odd it is that I don't have a picture of us walking.  This shot was taken right after a bike ride.  Maybe that's because we walked for over 20 years together and took it entirely for granted.  Biking was rare, once with Barb actually, and apparently more deserving of the camera.  I also have a picture of us right after running a 10K (their first!), but to preserve the friendship, we'll leave it at this. 
Then, as described in this post, my life changed unexpectedly when I walked into my first Weight Watchers meeting, hoping to do what all those years of walking didn't.

The dominos began to fall and my weight loss motivated my first real attempts at running which led to a passion for the lifestyle and then to events that I never before saw myself joining.   Many thanks to good friends who helped me build a solid aerobic launching base. 

Three running years later and WELL into my grandmothering/menopausal years, I have accumulated this:
Who would have thought?   (Not ONE award for the walking.)

Note:  I have another 10K coming up in a couple of weeks, "The Best Dam Run", and I hear they're giving out medals!

Michael Phelps and Mark Spitz, MOVE OVER.