Saturday, March 19, 2011

Random Road Thoughts

Can't WAIT to be DONE with the Marathon!  I miss the non-pressured days when a run of less than 6 miles didn't cause guilt or concern.

New running shoes are on their way!  I went back to Nike Air Max Motos after wearing Brooks for the past 6 months. The Brooks were good, but they didn't have the Aaaah Factor.

I LOVE my running friends, old and new.  Do people bond like this in other sports?  I seriously doubt it.  I mean, there just is SOMETHING about running.   

I'm trying to not get discouraged when others are able to run faster and farther than I can.  Especially when they seem to do it so easily.   When I am outrun by someone of my age, gender, and weight, THEN there's reason to let it get to me.  Which segues to my next thought ...

I need a shirt with THIS on the back:
 "Go ahead and pass me.  
How many grandkids 
do YOU have??"

Finally, I really MUST start carrying a camera on my runs.  The downtown Portland waterfront this morning, with the sun and the mist over the river, was a thrill.  And a picture inserted ...


would have been perfect.   ~Sigh~


  1. I can't wait until I can run fast(er) and far enough to join you guys. Sounds like you had fun!

  2. I want my camera with me too! And you definitely need that shirt...

  3. love the idea for the t-shirt. You should totally do it!
