Saturday, February 26, 2011

I may run the run, but I barely talk the talk

I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't understand running lingo.  Quoted directly from Runner's World magazine:

"Do a short speed workout, say, six x 400 meters at about 5K race pace.  20-minute tempo run at a comfortable hard pace (about eight to 10 seconds per mile slower than normal tempo pace.)  Ascend a hill that's 200 meters long, jog down; or run 400 meters at 85 percent effort."

Huh?  Only recently did I learn that 400 meters is one lap around the high school track.  I think.  Which would be helpful, except each lane is a little different in length and interpreting the marks on the track to determine where to start and stop the stopwatch is still beyond my grasp.  I can barely estimate how long one yard is, (from my nose to the end of my outstretched arm) much less a meter, much less 200 of them.

And speeds?  Tempo run, 5K pace, 85% of either?  As I've said before, my speeds are slow, slower and slowest.  I know I typically run a 10 minute mile and that's as technical as I get.  So even though I love my running books and magazines, much of it goes right over my head.

OTOH I do enjoy the wickedly fun word, "fartlek" which is similar in meaning to interval or sprint.  Impressed?  And no worries - no "Bathroom Talk" here.  This is strictly a Family-Friendly Blog.  Now you know a word that SOUNDS bad, but is as innocent as the day is long.  That might come in handy sometime.  You never know.

Here is a picture of Favorite Running Partner and me, heading out for our 17-miler in the bitter cold.  (Don't worry, she put gloves on.)
I'd estimate our pace was some unknown percentage less than our 5K pace.  But whatever the speed, we finished after dark and were both frozen and pooped!  Next time we have to do 18 ...  oh fartlek!  


  1. Aaaaahahahaha! I knew about fartlek, but it now will be forevermore my new "curse without cursing" word. Thanks, Brenda!

  2. Well don't we look SPICY!?! Good stuff Mom! (Shame on you for using "fartlek" in vain...)

  3. It's like when Jonathan took a dam class at byu. We had fun with that:) I would love to run with you and Lindsay. I miss having a running partner.

  4. DeAnn, wouldn't it be FUN to run a Ragnar, in a family team, together?? We could be the "Warner Warriors" or something corny like that!
